I really wanted to hate this book, but instead it really captured me. Nabokov is an amazing artist. However I think I am getting a little better experience of it by listening to it. I started reading it and after a few chapters I decided it might be better listened to. I downloaded it and Jeremy Irons really takes the character and makes him real. Humbert Humbert has become a real man to me and because of how he tells his story, I have a hard time hating him. Before starting the book I really didn't want to read it because I wasn't comfortable with the subject. I am so glad that I have read and experienced this book. Nabokov, for me at least, is the best author that I have ever been exposed to. His words are like poetry. Art for Arts sake...this book is for beauty's sake. I still can't say that I am comfortable with the subject of the book but really after awhile I forgot about how this book was disturbing and just fell into the words. I am so happy I decided to listen to this book on my ipod because the voice or Jeremy Irons really sets the character. To me, he was Humbert Humbert. I would start to forget that this was just a story about a ficticious man. I never thought I would ever want to suggest this book to someone because of the subject but after finishing the book I would say it is probably one of the best written books of all time. I just can't get over how amazing the language flows and captures. One of the passages that I really was captivated by was...
"Friday. Saw her going somewhere with a dark girl called Rose. Why does the way she walk-a child, mind you, a mere child!-excite me so abominably ? Analyze it. A faint suggestion of turned toes. A kind of wiggly looseness below the knee prolonged to the end of each footfall. The ghost of a drag. Very infantile, infinitely meretricious. Humbert Humbert is also infinitely moved by the little one's slangly speech, bu her harsh high voice."
Reading it again doesn't have the same effect as being immersed in the words for awhile...but I still think it gives a glimps into the genius of Nabokov.
The end of the semester is always so hard to say focused and motivaed but finishing with Lolita was a treat and I had no problem each time picking up the novel to immerse myself again in the life of Humbert Humbert.
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