Test Two Review Notes
*a change of style is a change of subject
*what is below myth on the class pyramid?
*What is Nobody's real name and what does it mean
-Xebeche...He who talks loud but says nothing
*William Blake (in Dead Man) takes the blood of a ...... and puts it in his wound
*Dr. Sexson want to do to each student as a initiation before they leave college
-physical mutilation
*Three phrases used to examine Dead Man
-poetry is a destructive force
-poetry is the subject of the poem
-all things resemble one another
*In invisible man is a contest of wit known as
-playing with the dozens
*In Ellison's mind democracy is inspired by
*Names of the two sheriffs Blake killed with poetry
-Lee and Marvin
*What are the three things that he had to leave behind to kill the bear
*Two forms of imagination
*The speech in Invisible Man given by after the death of Todd Clifton was mirrored after
-the book of judges
-Julius Caesar
*Who said trust the tale and not the teller
-D. H. Lawrence
*Intention fallacy
-the false idea that the author always know the meaning of the tale
*The character Rinehart represents
-the trickster...he is there to show you change
*What started the race riots in Invisible Man
-The eulogy after Todd Clifton's death
*What song opens Invisible Man that we listened to in class
-What did I do to be so black and blue
*The unnamed poem in the Bear
-Ode of a Grecian Urn by John Keats
*Who did Santa Clause rape?
-Sybil...she is an orb...leads people into the underworld
*Invisible Man is an anti...... novel
-Horatico Alger
*What are the Hindu phrases we learned in class
-TAT TVAM ASI-That thou art (creative)
-NETI NETI- not this, not that (decreative)
*Which novel is a dream novel
-Invisible Man
*Define parataxis
-linking things together with the word "and"
*Who is the demon master of initiation in Dead Man
-Cole Wilson
*What does synaesthesa mean?
-blurring of the senses
*What is epheve
-young boy being initiated
-a student
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